

Get Started

Sales Associate Opp.

Policy Information

The following items are obtained for EACH POLICY YEAR that will enable us to conduct a complete and thorough review. Please provide as many items as you can readily locate. The missing items will then be requested from your agent or insurance carrier. Our most successful reviews date back five (5) to seven (7) years, however we realize that obtaining this many years of policy information may be difficult. We ask that you provide as much documentation as possible and we will obtain the remaining documentation directly from your insurance provider(s).


  • Dec pages of the policies (indicating the detailed calculation of the estimated payrolls and premium)
  • Final audit billing statements
  • Experience rating worksheets (NCCI or State Rated)
  • Loss history summaries
  • Auditor worksheets (work papers) prepared by insurance company payroll auditor
  • A brief description of your business operations